Dungeon Saga Origins
Available Now! Digital OverlordFantasy Family Fun
Dungeon Saga Origins is the dungeon crawler you've been waiting for. Fast to set up, easy-to-learn, and fun for all the family at a price (£60 MSRP!) that won't have you looking for treasure!Players: 1-5 - Age: 10+ - Duration: 60-120 minutes - Genre: Co-operative Adventure Game
Dungeon Saga Origins is a sprawling adventure, full of challenging dungeon quests for you and your party. One player can take the role of the dungeon’s Overlord, or allow the game to control the movement and behaviour of your foes using a set of AI rules! Enjoy beautiful miniatures that represent your heroes and enemies, from lowly goblins to towering monsters. Dungeon Saga Origins will see your party take part in thrilling narrative campaigns.
Start Your AdventureGALLERY
*Note, miniatures supplied unpainted.

Adventure calls again!
Glimmer of Greed is an exciting expansion for the Dungeon Saga Origins game featuring a new story to play through that introduces a host of new enemies from the dangerous Goblin faction in the world of Pannithor. With a range of new components, new cards, and a sprinkling of new rules for the Overlord and Hero players alike it’s time to muster your favoured companions and best equipment for another heroic tale!Glimmer of Greed is designed as a follow-up storyline to the Trial of Tyranny quest found in the Dungeon Saga Origins core game. This makes it ideal to play through using the original four characters, Danor, Madriga, Orlaf, and Rordin as a continuation of their tale!
Start Your AdventureGlimmer of Greed GALLERY
*Note, miniatures supplied unpainted.